We're hiring Seasonal Summer Workers! Click the link for more information and to apply. #RepthatA https://alliancecityschools.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=578
over 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
we are hiring graphic
Congratulations to the AIS Top Gun raffle winners! These students were ACE for an entire month. Way to #RepthatA!
over 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
AIS Students
AIS Students
The 6th graders at Alliance Middle School held their annual Metric Olympics! Each Class chose a country to represent. They researched the country to learn about where it is and facts about it. During the two day event, the students competed on behalf of their class in various math-themed activities that required use of the metric system. What a fun event! #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Students at AMS Metric Olympics
Students at AMS Metric Olympics
Students at AMS Metric Olympics
Students at AMS Metric Olympics
The ACS Wash-N-Go Laundry Day is just a few days a way! There are still time slots available. Call your child's building to make an appointment. 11 am - 12 pm - 1 spot 3-4 pm - 2 spots 5-6 pm - 3 spots 6-7 pm - 1 spot #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Information about the ACS Wash-N-Go Laundry Day
What an amazing day it was to celebrate the new turf softball field! We are proud to offer our Aviator Softball team a beautiful home field that they can take pride in. What makes this field even more special, is the fact that some of our very own Construction Trade seniors helped to build it through their employment with SCG Fields. If you get a chance to, stop by to cheer on the Aviator Softball team this season! #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Softball Ribbon Cutting
Softball Ribbon Cutting
Softball seniors at Ribbon Cutting
The first graders in Kate Harris' class presented their animal projects to their classmates! Each students selected an animal they wanted to research. They learned facts about the animals and used their new knowledge to write a book, create a clay sculpture and draw a picture of their selected animal. Some of the animals presented about were tigers, clown fish, plecos and elephants. They did an amazing job! Their projects will be on display for the families to see during the K & 1 Night of fun tonight. Education students from the University of Mount Union assisted the students with completing the project. We're always grateful for our partnership with the UMU education department! #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Students presenting their project
Students presenting their project
Students presenting their project
Students presenting their project
Help us wish our Job for Ohio Graduates (JOG) students good luck as they compete at the National Career Development Conference in Orlando, Florida over the next couple of days! Good luck, Aviators! #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
JOG Students
Alliance City Schools will be participating in the Hunger: The Bus Stops Here food drive for the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank next week. Food donations can be dropped off at any of the school buildings Monday, April 24 – Friday, April 28. #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Hunger the bus stops here flyer
The Alliance Middle School National Junior Honor Society gained new members this week! Congratulations to all the new inductees! #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
NJHS Group Photo
NJHS Group Photo
Mr. Reed Speaking at NJHS
Alliance Middle Schools students participated in a school wide Bookmark Design Contest. Student's submitted designs and then voted for their peers. Congratulations to 8th Grade winner Sonjia Johnson, 7th Grade winner Izabella Kinney, and 6th Grade winner MaKenzi Owens! The winners received a set of their own bookmarks to pass out to family and friends as well as copies in the Library for their peers to use. Great job, AMS! #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
AMS Student
AMS Student
AMS Student
Don't forget to join us tomorrow at 4:45 pm for the AHS Softball Field Ribbon Cutting! #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Join Us for the Softball Ribbon Cutting
The 4th graders at AIS visited the Haines House last week. The students learned about its history as part of the Underground Railroad and toured the house to see where the fugitive slaves were hidden to keep them from getting caught. They also learned about how the family lived in the 1800s with no electricity or modern technology. #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Students tour Haines House
Students tour Haines House
Don't forget to join K & 1 for a Night of Fun at AELS on Thursday from 5-6:30 pm! #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
K & 1 Night of Fun Flyer
We are hiring for a Head Boys Basketball Coach! Click the link for more information and to apply! #RepthatA https://alliancecityschools.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=577
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
We are hiring graphic
The Clothing Drive will go on through the end of the week! Donations can be dropped off at all buildings. #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Clothing Drive Flyer
The JV Softball game scheduled for today has been cancelled. #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Cancellation Graphic
One of our awesome AHS school counselors is competing in the Boston Marathon today! Help us wish Tyler Triner good luck! #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Tyler Triner
The tours of North Lincoln brought in over 300 former students and staff members on Wednesday. The visitors were able to reminisce and share fond memories with one another as they walked the halls one last time. #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Community Members Tour North Lincoln
Community Members Tour North Lincoln
Community Members Tour North Lincoln
Community Members Tour North Lincoln
To submit comments about the Alliance City School District One Plan, please fill out this form, https://forms.gle/GV1U2F42LQvcvQBq9. Deadline for comments is April 21, 2023. View the ACS One Plan here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yMc_YcVEi6lQ_pm8FCmmAqr_-FHJ-mKV76vfX2dB2U8/edit?usp=sharing
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
The JV Baseball game scheduled for tomorrow against Marlington will now be against Mentor Lake Catholic at Mentor, 6733 Reynolds Rd Mentor, OH 44060. The bus will leave at 9 am with the game starting at 11 am. A JV Baseball game against Waterloo has been scheduled for April 22 at 11 am at the AHS field. #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Athletic Schedule Change Graphic