Stop by Buffalo Wild Wings tomorrow to support the AHS Cheerleaders! #RepthatA
The Fathers Walk Your Child to School Day is on Thursday for families at AELS, AES and AIS! #RepthatA
The students in Kellie Sanor's and Deborah Bourne's prek classroom have been working on forming friendships and enhancing their social skills. The young students are learning that friends care about each other's feelings and should be spoken to politely. #RepthatA
The HANGAR will be open today from 4:30-6:30 pm! #RepthatA
The AHS Cheerleaders are having a fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings on Wednesday, Sept. 15! #RepthatA
"I learned the value of hard work by working hard." ~ Margaret Mead
Did you know ParentSquare is Alliance City Schools main form of communication with Aviator Families? Be sure to download the ParentSquare app so you don't miss an important notification or message! #RepthatA
There will be no school tomorrow (Sept. 3) for a teacher work day and Monday, Sept. 6 in observance of Labor Day! Stay safe and enjoy the long weekend, Aviators!
Daddy-Daughter Night at the AHS Girls Varsity Soccer Game is Sept. 13! #RepthatA
The AHS Cheerleaders are having a fundraiser on Thursday at Texas Roadhouse from 3-10 pm! Stop by to support them! #RepthatA
Do your little ones like cheerleading? Sign them up for the AHS Youth Cheer Clinic! #RepthatA
Tomorrow (Aug. 13) is the last day for Summer Meal Program.
Open Houses for all schools are next week! Make sure to stop by to meet your child's teacher and learn about the school your child is attending!
Just like last school year, ParentSquare will be Alliance City Schools primary form of communication with all Aviator families! If you have a child that attends ACS, make sure you download the ParentSquare app in order to receive information and important messages about your child's education. #RepthatA
School is just a couple weeks away! See below to know when your child starts school this year! #RepthatA
Thursday, Aug. 5 will be the last day for summer meals to be served at the following buildings:
Summer meals will continue to be served through Friday, Aug. 13 at the following locations:
AIS, AHS, Memorial Skate Park & Maple Beach Park
Parents, Be on the look out for an email on Friday about completing all forms in Final Forms. The forms must be fully completed as soon as possible!
Once again, ParentSquare will be Alliance City Schools primary form of communication with all Aviator families! If you have a child at ACS, make sure you download the ParentSquare app in order to receive information and important messages about your child's education. #RepthatA
Did you know ACS has an official app? The app offers easy access to all things ACS!
View upcoming events, lunch menus, news and a customizable live feed all from one easy to use and free app. You can download it in the Apple Store or Google Play store. #RepthatA
Principal Cory Muller read to all of the kindergarten classes last week and had a blast! He and Assistant Principal Holly Power will read to all classes at AELS over the next few weeks! Way to go! #RepthatA