Aviator Families, Don't forget to register your child for Camp Invention! It's for students in Kindergarten through 6th Grade. The camp will take place at Alliance Middle School July 24-27 from 8 am to 3:30 pm. Scholarships are available to help with the cost. Contact Camp Director Cindy Todor, todorci@alliancecityschools.org, for more information. Click here to register: https://invent.ungerboeck.com/prod/emc00/PublicSignIn.aspx?&aat=47507a2b576c656953344c5547523474334a5159446a694947626b562b38664f757557425648724c6b79303d #RepthtA
over 1 year ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Camp Invention Flyer
Are you going on vacation or have some fun activities planned during a staycation? Don't forget to rep your Aviator Gear! Submit a picture reppin' your Red and Columbia Blue and some information about your vacation or fun activity and we'll post it to the ACS social media accounts. We want to see all the fun adventures our Aviators are having this summer! Submissions will be accepted all summer long. Submit the info here: https://forms.gle/NPC7yy6XRjiURHMM7
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Going on Vacation? graphic
It was great to see students and staff back in the building with smiling faces this morning! Summer School 2023 is off to a great start! #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
AELS Student arriving at summer school
AELS students and staff at summer school
AES students at summer school
AES students at summer school
Alliance Early Learning School will have a Screening Day on Monday, July 31 from 8:30 am - 3:30 pm and Alliance Preschool will have a Screening Day on Tuesday, August 1 from 8:30 am - 3:30 pm. More information will be sent out on ParentSquare this summer! #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Save the Date Graphic
Save the Date Graphic
There are a number of mental health resources available to individuals who may need assistance over summer break. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please see the resources listed below or visit www.starkhelpcentral.com. #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Mental Health Resources - Alliance Police Department (non-emergency) 330.821.9142 - Alliance Police Department (emergency) 330.821.3131 - crisis text line Text Home to 741741 - Suicide & Crisis Lifeline 988 - Colman Crisis Services 330.452.6000 - Crisis Intervention 330.452.6000 - Children's Protective Services 330.455.5437
The Summer Lunch Program will run Monday-Thursday from June 5 - July 27! It's available to any child from age 1-18. Please note: Meals will not be served June 19, July 3 or July 4. #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Free Summer Meals Program
Happy last day of school, Aviators! Have a safe and fun summer break! #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Happy Last Day of School
It's hard to believe there's only 4 days left of school! #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Last Day of School - May 26
It was the best day of the year for our friends in kindergarten and 1st grade on Thursday- it was field day! The students had fun on the giant slide and obstacle course, running relay races, having a dance party and enjoying popsicles and bubbles! #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
aels student running a relay
aels students having fun
aels student riding a trike
aels student blowing bubbles
The Girls Varsity Soccer Team is hosting an Aviator Soccer Academy this summer! #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
soccer academy flyer
The boys soccer team is hosting a youth summer camp! Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScNLKjgcFx9CWPWg0iHuZrPnwrUAAAYz0QZxTW-yUF3HSdBxg/viewform #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
AHS Boys Soccer Camp Flyer
The students at Alliance Early Learning School grew butterflies this year! They got them as little caterpillars and watched as they grew to be beautiful butterflies. Once they were ready, the classes released their butterflies, and held some in the process! #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
AELS Students Release Butterflies
AELS Students Release Butterflies
AELS Students Release Butterflies
AELS Students Release Butterflies
We are hiring the following positions! - Assistant Principal at AMS - General Music Teacher at AELS - Speech Pathologist - Intervention Specialist at AES - Intervention Specialist at AMS Click the link for more information and to apply! https://alliancecityschools.tedk12.com/hire/Index.aspx #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
we are hiring graphic
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to our amazing staff! Alliance City Schools is an amazing place because of all of you! Don't forget to leave ACS staff members a kind message using this form: https://forms.gle/PqcsAoSPUM71q7ER7 #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Teacher Appreciation Week
Help us celebrate our staff during Teacher Appreciation Week, May 8-12! All you have to do is select your postcard, choose who to send it to and write a kind message and we'll do all the rest! Each post card can only be sent to one person. These messages can be sent to teachers, administrators, bus drivers, secretaries, cafeteria aides or any other ACS staff member you would like to receive a kind message. Now is your chance to say Thank You! Start filling out the form today and the staff members will receive the messages next week! Click here to fill out the form: https://forms.gle/Jz2D3MhYCv7BKVBX7 #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
"just a little note for teacher appreciation week"
The ACS Fine Arts Showcase kicks off on Monday with the Visual Art Show Reception! The Art Show will open each night there is a performing arts event from 6-8 pm. The Art Show will not be open during school hours or on Friday, May 12 and Sunday, May 14. #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Arts Show Monday, May 8 at 6 pm
Reminder: There's no school Tuesday for all ACS students! #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
No School - Tuesday, May 2
The K&1 Night of Fun was a blast! Families saw their students' work in their classrooms and got to enjoy the art gallery set up in the gym. #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Pictures from K & 1 Arts Night
Pictures from K & 1 Arts Night
Pictures from K & 1 Arts Night
Pictures from K & 1 Arts Night
The AHS Softball team and the Alliance-Marlington Softball Association are collaborating for a T-Ball Camp for girls ages 4-6! Register at www.alliancemarlingtonsoftball.com. #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
TBall Camp Information - $25 to register. Camp is Saturday, May 13 and Saturday, May 20 from 1-3 pm.
The ACS Wash-N-Go Laundry Day is just a few days a way! There are still time slots available. Call your child's building to make an appointment. 11 am - 12 pm - 1 spot 3-4 pm - 2 spots 5-6 pm - 3 spots 6-7 pm - 1 spot #RepthatA
almost 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Information about the ACS Wash-N-Go Laundry Day