The Drama Class at Alliance High School hosted their first Open Mic Night and Coffee House last week. The event consisted of skits, monologues and songs planned and performed by the students themselves. #RepthatA
Sophomores interested in joining a Career Tech Program for their Junior and Senior years have until tomorrow to fill out the online application! #RepthatA
The Alliance Aviator Bowling fundraiser is today from 4-8 pm! #RepthatA
Just a reminder to all that there is always help available. #RepthatA
To all of our Aviators who celebrate, we wish you a Happy Hanukkah! #RepthatA
Santa visited the first graders at AELS this week! He stopped by each class and took a picture with the kids. He said all the students are on the nice list this year! #RepthatA
The AHS Choir and Orchestra concert was a blast this year! It featured performances by the orchestra, concert choir, Choralaires and Jetsetters. #RepthatA
Winter break is just two days away! #RepthatA
Shout out to our awesome Aviators who performed in "Honk Jr." the past couple of weekends! We're proud to see so many of our students involved in the arts. #RepthatA
Congratulations to Cameryn Mullaly for committing to play softball at Mercyhurst University! We can't wait to see all she will accomplish in the future! #RepthatA
Superintendent Rob Gress read "The Gingerbread Man" to Cheri Ruttig's class at Alliance Early Learning School! The students enjoyed the story and finding the hidden mouse on each page of the book. #RepthatA
Alliance Elementary School students had the opportunity to do some holiday shopping for their families at the holiday shop. The students budgeted how much money they were going to spend on each person then selected the perfect gift for them! #RepthatA
Don't miss the AHS Winter Band Concert on Thursday! #RepthatA
The Ben Curtis Foundation hosted a Very Merry Dinner event on Friday! A total of 64 kids from 22 families received Christmas presents and each family received a turkey dinner to prepare for the holidays.
The families stopped by the Castle where ACS administrators and staff helped to pass out the presents and food.
The Ben Curtis Foundation also provides Birdie Bags to a large number of our students each week. We are beyond grateful for all they do to support our families at ACS! #RepthatA
On Friday, Alliance High School held the staff and student breakfast. Each staff member invited one student to attend with them. They enjoyed talking with the students and spending some time with them outside of the classroom before school started. #RepthatA
The Alliance Intermediate School winter concert is this Wednesday in the Alliance High School auditorium! #RepthatA
Who remembers making one of these?
The Christmas Chain
"Christmas Day will soon be here
And I can Hardly wait!
I've made this little Christmas chain
To help me celebrate.
Each day I'll snip one loop from it
To help me to remember.
That happy, happy Christmas Day
The 25th of December."
The first grade hallway at AELS is full of Christmas chains the students made! #RepthatA
Congratulations to the November Top Gun raffle winners! Thank you for being great leaders at AIS! #RepthatA
You won't want to miss this concert! #RepthatA
Superintendent Rob Gress and Michelle Balderson, the Director of Elementary Education, spent some time with Crystal Gibbons first grade class yesterday! They read "The Polar Express" and gave each student a special bell that Santa sent from the North Pole! #RepthatA