We're hiring a Tutor for Regina Coeli! Click the link for more information and to apply.
Don't miss the AHS Marching Band preview show tomorrow night at 7 pm! #RepthatA
6th Grade Band Families, There will be a meeting at 6 pm on Wednesday in the AMS Cafeteria. You will be able to meet Mr. Sheak, the AMS band director, and learn about instrument rental opportunities. #RepthatA
School starts next week for our Aviators!
Monday, Aug. 21 - First day for grades 1, 2, 4, 6, 9
Tuesday, Aug. 22 - All students grades 1-12 attend
Thursday, Aug. 24 - Preschool & Kindergarten attend
School starts next week for our Aviators!
Monday, Aug. 21 - First day for grades 1, 2, 4, 6, 9
Tuesday, Aug. 22 - All students grades 1-12 attend
Thursday, Aug. 24 - Preschool & Kindergarten attend
Gina Falconer, music teacher at AES, and her son Dominic, 6th grade, traveled to Washington DC and Gettysburg this summer!
Dominic’s favorite things were the International Spy Museum in DC and touring the battlefield in Gettysburg. Mrs. Falconer enjoyed visiting different monuments and the Arlington National Cemetery and finding the name of her many times Great Grandfather, who fought in the Battle of Gettysburg, on a monument at the battlefield. #RepthatA
We're hiring for the following positions:
- 2 Teacher Aides
- Climate Specialist at AMS
- Cafeteria Aide at Alliance Preschool
Click the link for more information and to apply!
Tracy Bowser, a kindergarten teacher at AELS, hiked the Tour Du Mont Blanc this summer. Mrs. Bowser and her husband hiked 110 miles and gained over 30,000 feet of elevation through France, Italy and Switzerland. What a great way to spend summer break! #RepthatA
The Alliance Board of Education members recently toured Alliance Preschool! With a district focus on early childhood education, it's exciting to see the teachers make their new classrooms into warm and welcoming spaces for our littlest Aviators and their families.
We can't wait to welcome our preschool friends to their very own building in just 13 short days! #RepthatA
Christopher, 7th grade, and Braxton, 6th grade, visited Virginia Beach and Chesapeake Bay where they swam in the ocean, went on a dolphin watching adventure and saw the Battleship USS Wisconsin! #RepthatA
The purpose of the Aviator Sports Boosters is to unite all supporters of Aviator Athletics in order to work together to raise money and promote school spirit for all teams. Meetings are held the first Monday of each month, at 7 pm, at Alliance High School in room 235.
Click here to become a member: https://tinyurl.com/mw8nvuyv
John (3rd grade), Bradley (3rd grade) and their Uncle Maddux (12th grade) traveled all around Ohio this summer! They enjoyed spending time with family and getting lots of sun. #RepthatA
The 2023 Greater Alliance Carnation Festival Grand Parade will be Livestreamed, a collaboration between Spectrum Channel 1022: Alliance, AM 1310 WDPN and Local Broadcast Network.
The streaming will begin at 11 am on Saturday, Aug. 12. To access the livestream, click this link: https://local-broadcast-network.maz.tv/apps/118/64227-84958/2f54adecc009274424ec0475e76b3c80-1286239-1313520/b9de17d6f892cbeadda38da0bac561e3-1541296-1579853?mode=details
Ashton traveled to Myrtle Beach with his family this summer where he had a blast at the beach, boogie boarding and eating all the seafood he could! #RepthatA
The Kindergarten and Preschool families took part in a Screening Day last week! The students and their families met the staff, toured the building and learned about resources available to them through the district and community partners. We can't wait to see our littlest Aviators for their first day of school on Thursday, Aug. 24! #RepthatA
Madelyn, 12th grade, visited Ocean City, Maryland this summer with her family! She enjoyed swimming in the ocean, eating yummy food and spending time with her family and boyfriend. #RepthatA
Our new staff took part in the annual ACS Flight School yesterday! We are excited to have them as part of our Aviator Team! #RepthatA
Taelyn (12th grade), Trevin (8th grade) and Tyrin (7th grade) visited Pittsburgh Zoo and Sandcastle Water Park this summer! They enjoyed seeing family and swimming in the Tsunami Pool. #RepthatA
School starts in just 12 days! Make sure you know when the school day starts and ends for your child. #RepthatA
Deb Boschini, a 5th grade teacher at AIS, traveled to New Orleans, LA and Biloxi, MS this summer! She loved learning about the history of New Orleans and eating all the amazing food and relaxing at the beach and pool. #RepthatA