Aidan James plans to attend Kent State University to major in history education! During his time at AHS, he was involved in golf, marching band, concert band, pep band, jazz band, Jetsetter band, academic challenge and scouts. Congratulations, Aidan! 🎓✈ #RepthatA #AHSClassof2024
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
AIdan james
Our Awesome Aviators had the best time at the Exceptional Olympics on Friday! Their smiles say it all! 😄 #RepthatA
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Alliance Intermediate Students at the exceptional olympics
ACS students at the exceptional olympics
Students throwing a football at the exceptional olympics
students with their medals at the exceptional olympics
Stop by Almost Heaven on Thursday to support the Aviator Sports Boosters! #RepthatA
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
fundraiser flyer
We're hiring a Liaison for Community/Family/Court Intervention! Click the link for more information and to apply. #RepthatA
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
we're hiring
Mia Keppel will be attending Stark State College to become a physical therapy assistant! During her time at AHS, she was involved in many community service projects in order to build a stronger connection with the Alliance community. She has also worked as a curbside shopper, nanny and butterfly assistant. Congratulations, Mia! 🎓✈ #RepthatA #AHSClassof2024
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Mia Keppel
It's hard to believe the last day for Seniors is just two days away! #RepthatA #AHSClassof2024
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
collage of seniors
Have a student interested in learning about creating videos? The Video Productions class is hosting a camp June 10-13! To register, email or call 330.829.1234 ext 1002. #RepthatA
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
video productions camp - $20 per student and it includes a t-shirt and supplies
Ashley Barker plans to take classes to become an esthetician following graduation with a goal of working at a spa! During her time at AHS, she was involved in cheerleading. Congratulations, Ashley! 🎓✈ #RepthatA #AHSClassof2024
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Ashley Barker “A piece of advice I have for the class of 2025 is to not slack off your senior year. You’re probably going to get senioritis, but that year is the most important. Stay focused while having fun, it pays off in the end :)”
Logan McCreedy plans to enter the workforce as an electrician following graduation! During his time at AHS, he was involved in football, swim and track. He also worked at Texas Roadhouse. Congratulations, Logan! 🎓✈ #RepthatA #AHSClassof2024
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Logan McCreedy “One piece of advice I have is you do not have to go to college to be successful. Just enjoy your time here in high school because it goes by fast. Make lots of friends. Everyone is nice in their own special way.”
Jayla Callock will be attending the University of Mount Union following graduation to study criminology/criminal justice! During her time at AHS, she was involved in track, basketball, cheerleading and 99th squadron. Congratulations, Jayla! 🎓✈ #RepthatA #AHSClassof2024
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Jayla Callock “A staff member that has made a positive impact on me is Mr. sFontaine because he was always so supportive when it comes to me and the basketball team. He always says “Hi” to me no matter what and he always asks how I’m doing or how my day is going. Mr. Fontaine is one of my biggest supporters. Not only does he play his role as a principal at Alliance, but he is also there to have a little bit of fun sometimes. Even if he is just messing with you ALL THE TIME.”
The students participating in this year's Girls on the Run took part in a practice 5k to prepare for the one they will run this weekend! They ran 11 laps around Alliance Elementary School and celebrated each lap by adding a sticker to their chart and running through bubbles. Great job, Girls! We can't wait to hear how you do tomorrow! 🏃‍♀️ #RepthatA
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
students running
students running
students running
students running
Sam Gress will attend Ohio University this fall to study telecommunications and information systems and minor in business! During his time at AHS, he was involved in baseball, basketball, football, golf, soccer, key club, National Honor Society and choir. He also managed his own lawn mowing business. Congratulations, Sam! 🎓✈ #RepthatA #AHSClassof2024
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Sam Gress “Jeff Graffice has made a positive impact on me during my time at Alliance High School. He has been my coach every single year I have been in high school, and he taught me the value of hard work, and kindness in the real world.”
The students in Tanya Coler's class at Alliance Early Learning School had the opportunity to raise chickens! They hatched them from eggs and watched as they grew over the past couple of weeks. The students had a going away party to send the chickens off to their new homes. 🐣 #RepthatA
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
student holding chick
student holding chick
student holding chick
student holding chick
NyJayah Jones plans to attend Youngstown State University this fall to study dental hygiene! During her time at AHS, she was involved in key club, National Honor Society, student senate and culture club. She also worked at Charlotte Russe. Congratulations, NyJayah! 🎓✈ #RepthatA #AHSClassof2024
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
NyJayah Jones
The final concert of the 2024 Fine Arts Showcase is Thursday night at 7 pm! Stop by for a fun night full of jazz from the Alliance Middle School Jazz Band and the Alliance High School Jazz Orchestra. #RepthatA
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
jazz night
Kylie Haba will be attending Kent State University in the fall to study exercise science! During her time at AHS, she was involved in volleyball, club volleyball, softball, jazz band, key club, National Honor Society and the sports medicine career tech program. She also works as a shift manager at Almost Heaven Ice Cream. Congratulations, Kylie! 🎓✈ #RepthatA #AHSClassof2024
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Kylie Haba “One thing I'll always remember about my time at Alliance High School is all the connections I've made over the years. I feel very safe and comfortable around all the teachers, and I've made so many friends that have been supportive of me and who I would be happy to call lifetime friends.”
The administrators at Alliance Early Learning School kicked off their Hollywood themed staff appreciation week yesterday! Staff got to walk the red carpet and grab a swag bag filled with teaching necessities like sticky notes, pens, chocolates, and snacks! ⭐️ #RepthatA
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
group photo of AELS
table of gifts
hilary harlan walking the red carpet
kate harris near her hollywood star
The Alliance Cheerleaders are selling apparel through BSN! The shop closes on May 27 with additional items dropping on May 20. If you have questions, reach out to Coach Elliott at #RepthatA
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
picture of some of the items being sold
Come to Alliance High School tomorrow at 7 pm to hear our choirs perform for the final time this year! #RepthatA
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
AHS Chior concert  - May 7 at 7 pm
Alliance Intermediate School is hosting a Quarter Auction on May 18 starting at 11:15 am. Please see below for additional info.
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Quarter Auction flyer
Quarter Auction instructions