
ALLIANCE, OHIO – (Oct. 24, 2022) – The Alliance City School District (ACS) is hosting a state-wide academic review scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022. The review will be a collaborative partnership between the Ohio Mid-Sized Urban Districts Leadership Collaborative, Inc. and Superintendent Rob Gress. The academic review will include a full-day session of instructional rounds to be conducted by an expected 10 to 15 school districts from throughout the state of Ohio. Districts taking part will have similar demographics and student composition as Alliance City Schools. 

Along with the visiting districts, representatives from the University of Mount Union’s college of education, local business and government leaders, the Ohio Department of Education and the Stark Education Partnership will take part in the instructional rounds.

Mr. Rob Gress, Superintendent of Alliance City Schools noted, “Our ACS team wanted to organize this collaborative process to provide our school district the opportunity to review our instructional practices, collaborate with districts across the state of Ohio and share our academic priorities with other districts. I’ve always been proud of our culture of embracing continuous improvement, building on our solid academic foundation, and being transparent with our school board, faculty, staff and parents about our desire to be an exemplary district in our region and statewide. This partnership also includes our own teachers, principals and district staff. Our focus is always preparing students for life, college and careers and this process will ensure that we are doing just that.”

Dr. Eugene T. W. Sanders, Executive Director of the Ohio Mid-Sized Urban Districts Leadership Collaborative, Inc. shared “We are delighted to come to Alliance City Schools to learn about the amazing programs, academic initiatives, and learn from Superintendent Gress and his team about the instructional practices that can help all of our schools in Ohio improve and be globally competitive with any schools in the nation. We anticipate at least a dozen districts from throughout the state that will each bring a team of 4-6 educators, who will specialize in elementary, middle and high school improvement efforts. We appreciate the Alliance City Schools volunteering for this academic exercise and we are confident it will be of value to other schools in Ohio.”

For Additional Information:

Mr. Rob Gress, Superintendent 

Alliance City Schools

Email: gressro@alliancecityschools.org

Office Phone: 330-821-2100

Dr. Eugene T. W. Sanders

Executive Director 

Ohio Mid-Sized Urban Districts Leadership Collaborative, Inc. 

Email: ohiomidsizedschools@gmail.com 

Phone: 216-408-1101  

For more information about the Alliance City School District, visit www.alliancecityschools.org