The National Honor Society (NHS) at Alliance High School (AHS) hosted their annual induction ceremony on Monday, March 21 with 38 new members joining their ranks.
“We are gathered here to formally recognize those students who have been selected by the faculty of our school for successfully completing their candidacy and are being inducted as new members of our NHS chapter,” senior NHS member, Patrick Burse, said during the opening of the ceremony.
In order for students to be inducted into NHS, they must go through an application process where they express their interest in joining NHS. Faculty members provide feedback on the potential candidates and select those they believe to be hard working students who make a positive contribution to the school community.
“Students, what else can I say to you other than ‘great job,’” said Rob Gress, superintendent of schools. “Sometimes you all make it look very very easy- balancing your academic work, balancing all the service that you do, all the leadership activities. Balancing while also having good character. You make it look easy, but we know better. We appreciate your hard work and we’re very very proud of your hard work, but most of all we’re glad you’re at Alliance.”
The candidates must exhibit the four pillars of NHS - Scholarship, Leadership, Character and Service. During the ceremony, each inductee has the opportunity to show which pillar they resonate with by lighting their candle from one of the ceremonial candles representing the four pillars.
As each inductee is called to the stage, they are presented with a key from a senior member of NHS. This signifies their acceptance into NHS.
The following students were inducted into NHS during the 2022 ceremony: Julia Aldea, Katrina Asano, Olivia Bertolini, Jailyn Billings, Kaitlyn Bondoni, Carter Bugara, Kiernan Canavan, Shyann Craig, CaliAnn England, Olivia George, Isabella Guappone, Mackenzie Heslop, Gabrielle Hill, Megan Hippely, Rylee Horning, Zachary Kinser, Austin Leech, Mavry Maistros, Samantha Martin, Cameryn Mulally, Camden Nicholson, Dymond Oesch, Tabitha Poindexter, Emma Reese, Ramsey Reith, Holden Robinson, Bridgette Runion, Jordan Schwartz, Ashton Stutler, Abiegail Thomas, Caprice Thomas, Cade Ulbricht, Kelly Wang, Gracie Weaver, Emylee Yeager, Brianna Yoder and Elizabeth Ziegler
“We have watched you compete in athletics, perform on stage, create outstanding works of art and excel in the classroom,” said Kristy Woodford, principal of AHS. “You do so much for our school and I want you to know that I appreciate it. You have made AHS a better place and you’re definitely reppin’ that A.”
Now that the students have been inducted into National Honor Society, they will continue to focus on the four pillars and make a positive impact in the school community as well as the Alliance community.