Important Update for March 8th & 9th

Aviator Families,


In order to ensure all ACS staff who receive the second administration of the COVID-19 vaccine on Saturday, Mar. 6 have time to recover from potential side effects, we will have a professional development day for staff on Monday, Mar. 8 and a remote learning day on Tuesday, Mar. 9.


Monday, Mar. 8 - Professional Development Day


There will be no school for all students, including digital students. District buildings will be closed.  Meals will not be available for students. 


Tuesday, Mar. 9 - Remote Learning Day


All students will take part in a remote learning day. The remote learning plans can be found here: remote learning plans. Boxed meals for digital students will be available at the normal pick-up time. 


Lunch will be available at all school buildings for all ACS students. The meals should be picked up at the building closest to you from 10:30 am to noon.


Wednesday, Mar. 10


Students return to in-person learning.


Thank you for your continued patience as we continue to work our way through the pandemic and progress toward a more regular and predictable school schedule. We continue to do everything we can to ensure all staff and students are safe and remain in the buildings as much as possible.


