Remote Learning  Jan. 4-8

Aviator Families,


ACS will be transitioning to remote learning for the week following winter break, Monday, Jan. 4 to Friday, Jan 8. Students will return to the buildings on Monday, Jan. 11. We are informing you now so that you have time to prepare. We’ve made this decision out of an abundance of caution to help minimize increases in positive cases and quarantines caused by holiday interactions.  


Remote Learning Plans


This period of remote learning will operate in the same way as last time. The list of expectations and building level plans can be found here:




If you have previously signed up for a digital weekly meal box, they will still be available for pickup on Monday, Jan. 4 between noon and 2 p.m. at door #3 at the high school. Daily meals will be available for pick up at all of our school buildings from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. each day. You may pick up your daily meals from whichever school building is closest to you.




As of now, our plan is for all athletics to continue as previously scheduled during this time.


If your child is quarantined or positive...


If at any time over winter break or the week of remote learning your child starts to exhibit symptoms, comes into close contact with a positive individual or tests positive for COVID-19, it is important you reach out to let us know by emailing your child’s principal. We need to know this information at all times in order to keep accurate records and to ensure we are able to return to in-person learning on Monday, Jan. 11.


We know the holidays are a time to be with family and friends, but please remember that it is important to wear a mask, social distance and stay home as much as possible during this time. If we want to ensure our case numbers continue to remain low and that we can return to in-person learning, let’s all do our part to help to prevent the spread of COVID-19.




Rob Gress




Alliance City Schools