ACS Responsible Reopening FAQs for Aviator Families

Aviator Families,


In an effort for ACS to be as transparent as possible during this time, we have put together this page of frequently asked questions to assist in addressing your questions and concerns. We will be updating this page often in order to keep you well-informed. Please reach out to your building principal or the administration building if you have questions or concerns.

Below you can find some information about the Alliance Digital Academy.


Alliance Digital Academy Remote Learning Facts

  • Taking part in the Alliance Digital Academy includes the perks of digital learning while remaining a valued part of the Aviator family. Students will learn online with the nationally-known software curriculum, Acellus, with your highly-trained, familiar ACS teachers overseeing the curriculum, levels, assessments, goal setting and interventions for the students. Each child will remain a part of their home building and will have the full support of the building principal and staff should it be needed.

  • Students in the Digital Academy have a flexible schedule to complete work. Each student will set daily goals and work from home at a recommended pace of 5.5 hours per day between midnight and 11:59 pm to complete core content and elective classes.

  • Students collaborate and communicate to receive online tutoring during school hours, write, record project presentations, etc.

  • Our teachers use a Live Monitoring tool during school hours to assist students and to check their progress. If a student is having trouble, an ACS teacher can reach out for assistance. Parents have the capability to access Acellus daily progress and receive monthly reports on their student’s progress. 

  • Eligible students are invited to online group activities and may participate in sports and events through Alliance City Schools

  • For more information, please view the ACS Responsible Reopening FAQ page or call 330-821-2100 ext. 1238.


Answer Revised July 27


ACS Responsible Reopening FAQs for Aviator Families


Is the Digital option like the last few months of school last year?


Unlike the last few months of the last school year, the digital option will be managed by the Alliance Digital Academy, an established program that has shown great success in the last few years it has been a part of the Alliance City School District. The digital option offers a set on-line curriculum your child will complete from home. Alliance City School teachers will be available during the school day to assist students with their work. This option is available for PreK-12th grade.


If I choose to have my child attend Alliance Digital Academy, can I send them to in-person schooling if I don’t think it’s working after a few weeks?


If the digital option is selected, your child must stay in it for the first semester of school. They will have the opportunity to return to in-person learning during the second semester if you so choose.


Is my child able to take part in the Alliance Digital Academy at any time during the school year?


Yes, you can choose to have your child take part in the Alliance Digital Academy at any time. However, they will have to remain at the Alliance Digital Academy throughout the remainder of the semester.


Is my child required to wear a mask at all times?


All students in Preschool through 12th grade are required to wear a mask during the school day and while on the bus unless they have a medical reason that prevents them from wearing one. Students will be able to remove their masks only when they eat and if the teacher or staff member permits a brief mask break while all individuals are at least 6-ft apart.


The district will provide each student with one reusable mask, but it is up to the parents to ensure a clean mask is worn each day to school.


Why are all students required to wear a mask when the governor’s order states any child under 10 years of age doesn’t need to?


We are erring on the side of caution by requiring all students to wear masks. Not only do we have to think about the safety of our students, but we also have to think about the safety of our staff members. Requiring masks for all students and staff members ensures we can help keep everyone safe and healthy during this time and keep school open.


What happens if my child forgets their mask?


All buildings will have disposable masks on hand in case a student needs one.


If my child is required to wear a mask at all times, are teachers required to wear one?


Just like your children, all teachers and staff members are required to wear a mask and to maintain physical distancing guidelines whenever possible.


What happens if my child won’t wear a mask?


Unless your child has a medical reason for not wearing a mask, they are required to wear one at all times. If they refuse to wear one, a progressive discipline system will be in place. Should this continue, the parents will be encouraged, and may be required, to have their child take part in the Alliance Digital Academy.


How do I access Final Forms to fill out the commitment form?


All parents should receive an email from Final Forms to either sign into or create an account through Final Forms so long as they have a current email address on file with the district. Once the account is created and you are signed in, you will be able to complete the commitment form.


When will school supply lists be distributed?


We are still in the process of finalizing the school supplies lists for each building.


How will Career Tech education take place when my child is not at school everyday?


We are currency working with our staff to develop our approach to Career and Technical education.

The following FAQs were added on July 27

Will there be recess?


We intend for preschool through 5th grade to have recess; however, the playground equipment will be off limits and recess will include social distancing.


Can students still do sports if they attend the Alliance Digital Academy? 


Students who choose to attend the Alliance Digital Academy will still be eligible for sports with the same guidelines still in place.


Will the students be able to tour or have orientation if they are entering a new school building? 


The buildings are in the process of creating virtual or online orientations and open houses. More information will be coming soon.


If I choose online schooling, can I choose one other than what the school is offering?


If you choose to utilize another online option other than the Alliance Digital Academy, state law would require you to withdraw your student from Alliance City Schools.


Will clear dividers be put in to separate preschool and elementary students?


At ACS, Pre-K students will be required to wear masks at all times, except when they are actively eating or when their teacher allows for a brief mask break. Since all students will be masked and physically distanced, ACS will not be utilizing clear dividers.


What is the plan if there are confirmed cases?


ACS will contact the Alliance Health Department for guidance if there is a confirmed case and follow their recommendations.