Alliance BOE Approves Plan for Consolidation

The Alliance Board of Education unanimously approved the plan to consolidate the elementary buildings and move the Alliance Digital Academy and Success Academy to Parkway.


The plan was introduced by Superintendent Jeffery Talbert back in February. In preparation for the vote, ACS held a community meeting at Parkway and a virtual community meeting to gather the community’s input on the plan to ensure enough information was presented to allow for an informed vote.


With the approval from the BOE, beginning the 2020-2021 school year, Alliance Early Learning School will house preschool through first grade. Rockhill Elementary will house all second and third graders in the district and Parkway will be the new location of the Alliance Digital Academy and Success Academy, which are currently located at the Alliance Community Center. 


Parkway will also house universal meeting and professional development spaces for the district as well as some administrative offices. 


Alliance Intermediate School, Alliance Middle School and Alliance High School will remain unchanged.


“This was not an easy decision, but it was a necessary one,” Talbert said. “It’s always sad to see schools change, but this is for the betterment of our district, and it’s what’s best for our students, staff and community. This restructuring will allow for equal programming and educational opportunities for all of our students and help the district to remain financially sound in the coming years.”


More information about the plan can be found at this link:


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