ACS Update from Mr. Talbert

Dear Aviators,

I hope each of you are doing well and are doing everything you can do to stay safe during this unprecedented time.  We’ve made it through two weeks of remote learning with very few hiccups, if any, and now we are ready to share our plan for the next four weeks.  Please remember even though we are working remotely, our school calendar is still in effect. This means we will be on Spring Break beginning April 9th through April 13th.  During this break, you will be able to continue working online but teachers and support staff will not be available to assist during regular working hours.  Our meal services will also stop during our Spring Break. We have developed a plan to provide meals for the days we are closed which will be detailed below.

Remote Learning Updates

Building principals and your child's teachers will reach out to you with more information in upcoming days.




Gr. 1 & 2

Chromebooks will be distributed April 6th - 8th

Parents must pick up Chromebooks at school where child attends.

April 6th-8th: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm @ both Parkway & Rockhill

April 8th: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm @ both Parkway & Rockhill

Gr. 3 through Gr. 12

Students will continue to access assignments in Google Classroom

Teachers have been asked to adjust the amount of work assigned to focus on the most important material

All Grades

Zoom meetings - live video

Teachers now have ability to host - this will allow students to ask questions

PreK & Kindergarten

Next set of learning packets

Distributed the week of April 13th.  More details to follow

Field Trips and Other District Events 

All district events and field trips scheduled in the month of April have been canceled or postponed.  All trips and events scheduled or rescheduled in May will continue as planned if we return to school on May 4th.  

Meal Plans for the Next Four Weeks

We will continue to serve meals at the same locations we have been through the remainder of the schools closing.  The plan to cover Spring Break is to provide meals for April 9th and 10th on April 8th.  No meals will be provided for Monday, April 13th.  As always, menus can be found on our website and app. Menus are subject to change without notice.

In closing, we thank you for everything you’ve done to support the continuation of your child’s educational programming during this time.  We are asking you to continue to bear with us as we adapt our structure to this new model. As always please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have questions or concerns. Remember to stay at home, stay safe, and Keep Reppin' That A.


Jeffery S. Talbert
