Alliance City Schools is restructuring administrative roles following the announcement that Michelle Balderson will be retiring at the end of the school year. Balderson, who has served in a number of positions, including teacher, principal and, most recently, director of elementary education, is set to retire July 31 after nearly 34 years with the district.
“Serving Alliance City Schools for 33 years has been more than a career, it has been a lifelong dream fulfilled, giving back to the district and community that shaped me. From student to teacher, Principal and Director, my journey in Alliance has been a full-circle moment filled with meaningful relationships and unforgettable memories,” Balderson said.
Her departure brings about changes that include eliminating three roles– coordinator of curriculum and instruction, director of elementary education and director of secondary education– and replacing them with three new positions– assistant superintendent, director of curriculum and director of student services– pending approval by the Board of Education on Tuesday, Feb. 4 at the monthly workshop.
Shawn Jackson will step into the position of assistant superintendent. Jackson is currently serving as the director of secondary education.
Kristy Woodford will step into the role of director of student services. She is currently serving as principal of Alliance High School.
Natalie Kern, will step into the role of director of curriculum. She is currently serving as coordinator of curriculum and instruction.
“Our new structure and the administrators in their new roles will ensure that we stay relentless in preparing our students for life, college and careers” said Rob Gress, Superintendent of Schools.
Woodford’s departure from principalship leaves a leadership vacancy at Alliance High School that will be filled by Shaun Fontaine, current assistant principal at AHS, pending Board approval. Fontaine led the AHS band from 2003-2021 and has served in the assistant principal role for the past four years.
“Mr. Fontaine has dedicated his career to helping students in our community. He is more than ready to lead AHS and continue building on the strong Aviator culture of trust and results,” Gress said.
The District will begin the search for a new assistant principal for AHS in the near future with the intent to find the best candidate who will uphold the values and vision of preparing all students for life, college and careers.
All structural changes will take place over the summer ensuring students and staff a smooth transition into the 2025-2026 school year.
For more information about the Alliance City Schools, visit