Aviator Weekly - Feb. 25

Alliance Early Learning School


The students in Adam De Monte’s preschool class have been learning about music. The students have been learning about different kinds of instruments and different methods of making music. The students were able to participate in a rock band and take turns using the different instruments.


AELS kindergarteners completed a mini-unit focusing on kindness and acts of kindness. Each classroom participated in various activities centered around showing kindness to all. Some classrooms created Valentine’s Day cards for patients in nursing homes, while others practiced friendship by communicating with pen pals in Germany. They created acrostic poems using the word ‘kindness’ to brainstorm words or ideas associated with being kind and being a good friend. Students listened to stories and charted actions that are kind versus actions that could be considered unkind. To culminate the unit, all 200 students came together to form a picture spelling out the word ‘kind’ with their bodies. The picture will be displayed at AELS as a reminder of how we can practice kindness every day!


Alliance Elementary Schools


Second grade students have been working on equal groups and arrays in math class to develop the foundations for multiplication. Students participated in math centers with different puzzles and hands on activities. They made their own arrays and repeated addition sentences using Smarties. Second Grade students also recently studied fossils in Science. Students discussed different types of fossils that Paleontologists study and how important they are to learn about the past. They even had the chance to “Dig” like real Scientists and look up what they found to identify them.


Second Grade Students created Valentine Boxes for Valentine's Day. The boxes reflected their individual interests and talents. Students then wrote a "How to" paragraph about how they made their Valentine Box.  


Upcoming Important events:

  • Mar. 2 - Parkway Family Game Night
  • Mar. 3 - Rockhill  Family Game Night
  • Mar. 12 - PTO Meeting

Alliance Middle School


Students at Alliance Middle School were able to dance the night away on Friday during the Navigators Dance.


Congratulations to the Honor Roll students who took part in the ice cream social.


Alliance High School


AHS held the final Pathfinder assembly last week to recognize Gary King and Matt Horning. Congratulations to all of the 2020 Pathfinders. You have truly made a difference in many peoples’ lives.


Congratulations to Will Rose for earning two state swimming championships this past weekend. Way to Rep That A, Will.


Six projects received a superior rating at this year’s Science Alliance. These students will be able to attend the district Science Fair at Mount Union and potentially attend the State Science Fair.


The senior cosmetology students held another successful Hair-A-Thon last week. They were booked solid the entire day and had many happy clients. Way to go, senior cosmetology.


Alliance Career Center


The Alliance Career Center and Robert T. White School of Practical Nursing located on the first floor of Alliance High School offers courses for adults who want to attain, maintain and advance their careers.  


A License or Credential may be earned through the following courses: Practical Nursing, Welding, Medical Insurance/Medical Biller, Cosmetology and State Tested Nursing Aide.  


For more information or to register for classes, call Greg Gemberling at 330-829-2267 or visit accrtw.org.  Financial Aid and Scholarships are available.


District News


The ACS Student Art Exhibition will take place at the Sally Otto Art Gallery at Mount Union from Mar. 2-6. A reception will be held at 5 p.m. on Mar. 5.


Preschool and Kindergarten Registration will take place Mar. 23-27. Registration packets will be available at the Administration Building and all School Buildings beginning Mar. 2. Packets will also be available outside Door #2 at AHS.