Alliance Early Learning School
\r\nDebbie Sutton and Lisa Kinsey’s classes made edible bird feeders to help their feathered friends make it through the winter. Oranges were hollowed out and filled with bird seed - as well as ice cream cones covered in peanut butter, rolled in bird seed and strung with Fruit Loops. The children hung their creations in the tree outside their window so they can observe the birds enjoying their meals.
The kindergarteners at Alliance Early Learning School need your help for their Making Friends in the USA project! Their goal for this project is to get at least one Valentine card from each of the 50 states! Every week, the kindergarten classes will join together to read the Valentine's Day cards they receive and track where the cards are from on a map of the United States!
\r\nHelp the kindergarteners out with this fun project by sending a Valentine's Day card to:
\r\nAlliance Early Learning School
\r\n285 W. Oxford
\r\nAlliance, OH 44601
The cards can be addressed to any of the following classes:
\r\nMrs. Harper/Mrs. Gaines
\r\nMrs. Gasparik
\r\nMrs. Johnson
\r\nMrs. Bowser
\r\nMrs. Reich
\r\nMrs. Morgan
\r\nMrs. Gibbons
\r\nMs. Hennon
\r\nMrs. Winner
\r\nMs. Elliott
\r\nMs. Zemrock/Mrs. Hackney
\r\nPlease be sure to include your address so the students know where to mark the map.
\r\nAlliance Elementary Schools
\r\nStudents of the Month
\r\nCongratulations to Parkway’s December Students of the Month-
\r\nCarlee Shutler, Evan McMahon, Grace Craven, Justin Smeltzer, James Anderson
\r\nJonathan Barker, Alivea Chambers, Braxtyn Moore, Austin Ekey, Ayden Anderson, Harmony Thomas, Adelynn Worley, D’Artagnan Drain and Amari Lightner. Way to go, kiddos.
\r\nCongratulations to Rockhill’s December Students of the Month-
\r\nKevin Kridler, Jack Miller, William Belba, Enerson Johnson, Jacob Bissett, Emma Woodall, Mallory Gross, Alex Krug, Owen Blevins, Kaidyn Huntsman, Jacob Ruiz, Abigail Datz, Peyton Graham, Camerson Ramsey, Alric Richmond and Vanessa Hinojosa. Keep up the great work.
\r\nThird Grade Thinking
\r\nThird grade students are starting off the new year by making New Year’s Resolutions. They learned about what a resolution is and then they made some school resolutions and some home resolutions. Students have also been researching endangered animals. Each student was able to choose an animal to study. Students gathered facts from multiple sources and created an informative essay on their topic. Additionally, each child completed a project to go along with their essay. Students were able to decide whether they wanted to record a YouTube video, build a Kahoot game, compose a play or design a learning station. Finally, students read their essays to the class and showcased their projects for their peers.
\r\nRocks and Minerals
\r\nStudents recently concluded their study on rocks and minerals. As a culminating activity, the students presented their knowledge with the use of the app Chatterkid. Students took photos of a selected mineral and recorded themselves describing all of the properties of these minerals. These properties were discovered through tests which each child performed with 12 minerals. They tested hardness, streak color, luster, color and transparency. Students loved the fact that the Chatterkid allowed the mineral to actually talk. Students added some creative touches to make the mineral look fancy for the presentation by adding glasses, ties and even mustaches. The students loved adding technology to science class.
\r\nUpcoming Important Dates:
\r\n- Jan. 23 - National Reading Day - snuggle up with a book
Alliance Intermediate School
\r\nAlliance Intermediate implemented "Morning Math Club" this past week. Students come to school a little early to take part in additional computation practice and support with a Title Math Tutor. This extra practice will help them grow as a math student and AIS is excited to begin adding students to the club.
\r\nAlliance Intermediate School's CARE Team is looking for donations of socks, gloves and winter hats. They have distributed previous donations to our students, however there is always need for more. Children easily misplace these items and colder weather is ahead. Any donations would be greatly appreciated.
\r\nCongratulations to the AIS January Kiwanis Students of the Month:
\r\nSkyler McAbee, Aiden Haas and Bianca Carchide. AIS is proud of these students’ hard work and amazing character.
\r\nAlliance Middle School
\r\n6th Grade
\r\nPlease speak to your students about completing any missing work they may have. It is imperative that the work gets completed and turned in on time for the teachers to be able to grade it and add it to the gradebook. If you do not have access to the Home Access Center, which gives you the ability to see your students grades and missing assignments, please contact Amanda Scott,, or Gary Trbovich,
\r\n7th Grade
\r\nStudents in seventh grade have been learning about why feudalism declined in England and France. Students experienced the anger towards King John and helped create the Magna Carta. Then the students "used" longbows and crossbows to understand why the English were winning in the beginning of the 100 Years War. Finally, students had the opportunity to experience how quickly the plague spread throughout the area and how that contributed to the decline of feudalism.
\r\n8th Grade
\r\nPlease make sure your students are completing their missing or late work and turning it in to teachers for a grade. Also, at the end of this 9 weeks there will be some automatic class changes:
\r\nStudents in Health will switch to Family and Consumer Sciences (and vice versa)
Students in World Cultures will switch between French and Spanish
The basketball and wrestling teams are off to a great start - keep up the good work.
\r\nCounselor Update
\r\nEighth grade students will begin looking at their high school options for scheduling as freshman. January is also going to be their College visit to Kent State Stark Campus on Jan. 24 so please make sure that the physical permission form has been turned in for attendance. More information will be coming out regarding scheduling in the early part of January.
\r\nReminders for Parents
\r\n- Jan. 16 - 8th Grade/Rising Freshmen Parent Info Night 6:30-8:30 p.m.
- Feb. 4 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 3-6 p.m.
Alliance High School
\r\nCongratulations to the students recognized for Reppin’ That A: Amber George, Emma Reese, Chad Mercer, Kyrel Keller, Hannah McKissick, MarTisha Blue and Li'Ariah Prather
\r\nAlliance High School hosted the second annual Royal Aviation Competition this past weekend. All the participating schools gave spectacular performances.
ACS Reminders
\r\n- Jan. 16 - Early Dismissal
- Jan. 17 - Teacher Day - No School
- Jan. 17 - End of Second 9 Weeks
- Jan. 20 - MLK Day - No School
- Jan. 24 - Report Cards Distributed