Aviator Weekly - Dec. 16

Alliance Early Learning School


Helen Reich’s kindergarten students have been learning about Art. Students learned about different artists and styles of Art. Using watercolors and oil pastels, several art projects were created. They had fun discovering new ways to create Art.


Alliance Elementary Schools




First grade students have been working hard in their writing classes. Students are engaging in Writer's Workshop daily to help them grow as writers. Currently, students have become authors of their own personal narratives. Personal narratives are true stories that include a beginning, middle, and end, characters, setting and transition words like "first," "next" and "finally."


Thank you


A big shout out goes to Kay Jewelers for donating 12 stuffed animals to Rockhill and Parkway Elementary Schools. They will be disbursed for Christmas. Another Shout out goes to Mr. and Mrs. Danesi for purchasing some gifts to add to our Santa Shop.


Golden Rule Followers


Congratulations to the following Golden Rule followers Hita Patel, Juliet Ruff, Eli Findling and Philip Miller who enjoyed breakfast and received a certificate and goodies from Habitat director, Niki McIlvain.  Keep treating others the way you want to be treated.


Rockhill rocked out at their Winter Concert last week. All the students did a fantastic job performing.


Upcoming Important Dates:

  • Dec. 23-Jan. 3 - Winter Break 
  • Jan. 9 - PTO meeting at 6 p.m.

Alliance Middle School


7th Grade


Seventh grade social studies students have learned about life in the middle ages.The dirt and grime have not scared students away from studying this time period. Students have learned about trade and commerce, crime and punishment, and diseases and their medical treatments. The differences between mystery plays and miracle plays have been discussed. Most importantly, students have been able to connect the similarities of guilds, apprentices and journeymen to modern day.  


8th Grade


This week the eighth grade students had an opportunity to visit Alliance High School’s Career Tech Program. They were able to tour the classes, talk to the teachers and students and even participate with some hands-on activities in Welding. This was a great experience and the students really enjoyed learning more about options at high school. This visit was perfect for our eighth graders to prepare for high school scheduling to know what things they may be interested in for their electives. Many of these programs have introductory classes that students can take as freshmen so this was great timing as in January they will be meeting with the high school staff to discuss scheduling further.  


Code Girls


Select girls will be attending Code Girl 2019 at Walsh University to discover computer science and engineering concepts through hands-on activities. Students were able to attend field trip free of cost and will be collaborating with girls from ten or more other districts in the surrounding areas.


Winter Arts Night


Alliance Middle School hosted their Winter Arts Night last week. Artwork created by the students was displayed in the halls and the band, orchestra and choir for each grade performed. It was a great night to showcase the students' artistic and musical abilities.


Holiday Spirit Week


Tuesday - Holiday Shirt & Socks Day


Wednesday - Holiday Headwear


Thursday - Fa-La-La Flannel Day


Friday - Ugly Sweater Day


Reminders for Parents

  • Dec. 23 - Jan. 3 - Winter Break
  • Jan. 7 - Geography Bee - 6 p.m.
  • Jan. 17 - Teacher Day - No School
  • Jan. 20 - MLK Day - No School

Alliance High School


Congratulations to the 34 newest members of the Alliance High School Athletic Hall of Fame. The inductees were formally recognized at a ceremony held on Dec. 7.