Alliance Early Learning School
\r\nKindergarten classrooms at AELS celebrated Grandparents Day on Oct. 2. In Amanda Hennon's class, students had the opportunity to learn a little more about apples by labeling the parts of an apple and reading a book about apples to their grandparents. Students and grandparents also worked together to decorate a picture frame that will be used to frame a photo taken to commemorate the event. AELS had a great turnout with many excited children and grandparents.
\r\nAlliance Elementary Schools
\r\nAngela Battershell had the idea to designate at least one morning each week for reading. The kids are encouraged to bring their own books but we also have plenty of books to offer them. They have been doing great with it.
\r\nA “Thank you” means so much
\r\nAnthony, a student in Jason Dotson’s class, chose to write "Thank You" cards for the writing portion of his homework and gave them to AES cafeteria workers and custodians. He had a blast passing out his cards.
\r\nCafeteria Winners
\r\nCongratulations to the following classrooms, they have displayed great cafeteria behavior and earned a treat and were able to eat lunch with their principal. Parkway classes- Banae Fricker, Josh Morgan and Chelsea Minnich. Rockhill classes- Cheri Ruttig, Brian Bader and Joan Skidmore. Way to go students.
\r\nHabitat for Humanity supports our Golden Rule Followers!
\r\nHabitat for Humanity Director, Niki McIlvain ate breakfast with Golden Rule Follower- Brinley Mann, Jaelyn Stuller, Pepper Dowdy, Christopher Robinson, Aliyah Daniels and Ivy Edwards. Students enjoyed a school breakfast and cookie cake. They received a certificate, a pencil and a cup from McIlvain. We are proud of these students for leading by example and treating others the way they want to be treated.
Hard Hat Lunch
Congratulations to the AES students who were able to take part in the Hard Hat lunch on Friday. Darrin Balderson from Trilogy Plastics presented Lukas Yungen and Justin Smeltzer from Parkway and MaKenna Mergenthaler and Brooklyn Eckman from Rockhill with their very own hard hats. The students were chosen for working hard everyday.
Bottle Caps Needed
\r\nParkway's art teacher, Renee Marinchek, is collecting bottle caps from plastic bottles with the goal of helping students create a mural with them. As the caps come rolling in, students are sorting them by color. If you have any clean caps to donate (from plastic bottles, not glass bottles) please drop them off in Parkway's office.
\r\nTechnology classes have been busy practicing foundational technology skills. Students are learning how to use special keys on the keyboard, and are practicing finding the letters on the keyboard quickly in order to effectively communicate their thoughts.
\r\nIn first grade music classes, they are exploring movement and playing instruments to the steady beat. They are also practicing using their singing voices and how it is different from their speaking voice. Students also explore how they can change their voice to mimic the sound of a slide whistle.
\r\nSecond graders are also exploring movement and how they can move their bodies in different ways to match the sound and feel of the music. They are singing call and response songs as well as some echo songs and exploring how they can use their voices to follow patterns of high and low.
\r\nIn third grade, they are learning about music from other cultures and that songs can be used for other purposes besides just the fun of singing. They have learned that people from the Polynesian Islands used echo songs to help them row their boats together. The third graders are also preparing for a field trip to hear the Canton Symphony on Oct. 16. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear music played by professional musicians and also see how music and math are related.
\r\nAlliance Intermediate School
\r\nAIS celebrated Grandparents’ Day. Grandparents were able to sit in on activities held by the classrooms, take a picture with their grandchildren and even visit the book fair. Thank you to all the grandparents who visited AIS.
\r\nAlliance Middle School
\r\n6th Grade Team
\r\nSixth grade Science students are learning about the scientific method through M&M’s & Skittles labs.
\r\nStudent Senate
\r\nEighth grade Student Senate will be collecting non-perishable items for a young family. We can make a difference and show them that we care. All items will be collected until Friday, Oct. 11.
\r\nChristmas Store
\r\nWe are gearing up to collect and purchase items that students enjoy purchasing for their families. The store will be set up in the sixth grade wing Dec. 9-12.
\r\nSeventh grade TDAP immunizations or proof of scheduled doctor appointment are due now. Contact the main Office at 330-829-2254 if you have any questions.
Grandparents Day
Thank you to all the grandparents who attended our Grandparents' Day celebration.
\r\nReminders for Parents
- Oct. 14 - Teacher Day - No school
- Oct 16 - 8th Gr Choir @ AHS 7:15 p.m.
- Oct 25 - End of 1st Nine Weeks
- Oct. 25 - Fall Picture Retakes
- Oct. 25 - Early Dismissal - 12:20 p.m.
- Oct. 29 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7 p.m.
Alliance High School
\r\nThe 12th Annual Strings Spooktacular, a spooky orchestra concert, will take place on Thursday, October 24 at 7 p.m. in the AHS auditorium. Eighth grade and high school orchestra members will be performing a variety of creepy selections while wearing costumes, of course. Please join us - if you dare. Admission is free, but donations will be collected for the National Honor Society canned food/personal care item drive.
The Skills USA Color Splash Fund Run was a success on Sunday. Over 120 people took part in the colorful event. Thank you to all who participated and made the event possible.
\r\nCongratulations to the 2019 Homecoming Court. Court members are as follows:
\r\nCourt members:
\r\nFreshmen- Gabrielle Hill & Jaylin Colbert
\r\nSophomores- Kiera Miles & Jack Quinn
\r\nJuniors- Kyleigh Ferrall & Grant McGeehen
\r\nSeniors- Ke'Aijah Hawkins-Montgomery, Abby Oyster, Ryan McKnight & J'Dynn Seals
\r\nThe Homecoming queen and king will be announced on Friday before the varsity football game.
\r\nThe next Free Laundry Event is Wednesday, Oct. 16 from 2-4 p.m. at Norge Village, 195 E. State St. Please call 330-829-2254 or 330-829-2260 to make an appointment or for more information.