Aviator Weekly - Oct. 1

Alliance Early Learning School


This week, the preschool students in Erica Thompson and Deb Kelley's classroom had fun learning how to be a kind friend. The children participated in activities with friends where they worked together to create projects and learned kind words and helpful actions to use with friends. Thompson helped illustrate the difference between kind words and unkind words by using cotton balls for kind words and sandpaper for unkind words. Her students, along with all preschool students, will continue to work on friendship throughout the school year.


Alliance Elementary Schools


Start With Hello


Tracy Lahr, school counselor, promoted Elementary School participation in Start with Hello, the Sandy Hook Promise, on Sept. 26. Students wore a name tag during the day and were encouraged to use each others name when having a conversation. The purpose of using a person’s name during conversation is to make them feel more included and acknowledged by others. During lunch time, students were divided into four different colors by their name tags. Students sat next to and across from others to promote Start with Hello with students in other classes. 




Annie Horner, school counselor, visited Tricia Thomspson's classroom every week with mindfulness calming activities and coping strategies to help the kiddos when needed. 


Grandparents Day


Grandparents Day will be held at Rockhill and Parkway Elementary schools on Oct. 11. Rockhill Elementary welcome Grandparents from 9:30-11 a.m. and Parkway from 9:15-10:45 a.m. We are looking forward to a fun morning.


Cheri Ruttig's multi-age class participates in a weekly cooking lesson. Cooking lessons are a great way to learn and extend reading, measuring, math, science, following directions, collaboration, listening skills and problem solving. These lessons taste good. Our wonderful speech therapist Darcy Horning led cooking this week and made delicious apple slices with different toppings. She also read a book about apples to the class. 


Upcoming Important Dates

  • Oct. 7 - Bookmobile          
  • Oct. 8 - RH Picture Day

Alliance Intermediate School


The students at Alliance Intermediate School who earned the monthly incentive for September were able to take part in a picnic at the park incentive. The students had fun playing together and eating lunch under the trees. They were even visited by their third grade teachers and elementary school principals. What a fun day it was for everyone.



Alliance Middle School


Media Center Book Fair


AMS Media Center will hold a book fair from Oct. 3-11. Friday, Oct. 4th, the Book Fair will be open for grandparents to shop with their grandchildren during Grandparents’ Day


Grandparents’ Day


Grandparents are invited to visit with grandchild/ren at Alliance Middle School on Friday, Oct. 4 from 8-9:30 a.m. Tour the building, have a light breakfast, take a picture and enjoy a trip to the Media Center for the book fair.


7th Grade


The seventh grade students all had a great time on the field trip to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. They learned what it takes to be a member of the HOF and a member of the National Football League. Students had the opportunity to see Alliance's own Len Dawson in several areas of the HOF. Students were able to compare their arm and leg sizes to those of an NFL player. They watched a holograph where several of the "greats" were talking to the students. 


7th Grade TDAP immunizations or proof of scheduled doctor appointment are due NOW.  Contact the main Office at 330-829-2254 if you have any questions.


Reminders for Parents

  • Oct. 14 - Teacher Day - No School
  • Oct. 16 - 8th Gr Choir @ AHS - 7:15 p.m. 
  • Oct. 24 - AMS Strings Spooktacular @ AHS
  • Oct. 25 - End of 1st Nine Weeks
  • Oct. 25 - Fall Picture Retakes
  • Oct. 25 - Early Dismissal - 12:20 p.m.
  • Oct. 29 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7 p.m.

Alliance High School


Alliance High School's Homecoming dance will be held on Oct. 12 from 7-10 p.m. at the high school. The theme is "There is no place like Homecoming." Tickets for students who have signed up are $10 and can be purchased before and after school in the high school lobby until Oct. 4. Tickets purchased Oct. 7-10 will cost $15. No tickets will be sold on Friday, Oct. 11 or at the door.


Join the ACS Choirs for “SIGNing the Song: You Have Changed My Life” on Oct. 16 written and performed by William Martinez. The main performance will begin at 7:30 with pre-show events beginning at 6:15 p.m. Tickets are $5 at the door.


Alternative Academies


The Alliance Alternative Academies hosted a Community Wide Yard Sale on Saturday. Students, parents and community members set up tables with everything from clothes to jewelry to face painting being offered. Thank you to everyone who took part in this event and supported the Alternative Academies.