Alliance Early Learning School
\r\nAt the beginning of each school year, teachers at AELS take the time to build relationships and get to know their students. Sandi Zemrock treats her kindergarten students to a special pizza lunch each week in a small group setting. Students enjoy receiving special attention and getting one-on-one time with the teacher. After the lunch, Braylyn Hardy said “it was the best day ever!”
\r\nAlliance Elementary Schools
\r\nAES students know the importance of following the Golden Rule to help make our learning environment a better place. Way to go students. We treat others the way we want to be treated. Students who follow the Golden Rule receive a prize from Michelle Balderson, Elementary School Principal.
\r\nSecond graders that earned the monthly Ace incentive award had the opportunity to eat with their teachers. Everyone enjoyed a beautiful September day eating lunch on the lawn.
\r\nSecond graders are enjoying the online component of our reading series, Wonders. They have started unit one and look forward to the stories and working together to grow their brains each day. We think the Wonders program is wonderful.
\r\nSecond graders have been enjoying their first week reading stories that answer, "How do friends depend on each other?" Students have read multiple fantasy stories about animal friends that follow The Golden Rule- treat others as you want to be treated- and in Social Studies class have been discussing school rules. Students picked a rule and wrote a sentence describing how they follow that rule, along with an illustration of its importance.
\r\nImportant Upcoming dates:
\r\nSept. 19 - Father’s Walk Your Child to School Day - 8:25 a.m.
\r\nAlliance Middle School
\r\nAll-School Fundraiser
\r\nAMS students will be selling miscellaneous brochure items to support middle school programs.
\r\nThe first nine-weeks interim will be sent home with students on Friday, Sept. 27.
\r\nAMS Music Department
\r\nThe combined choirs of Alliance City Schools are excited to invite everyone to "Signing the Song: You Have Changed My Life." This performance will feature the life story of William Martinez, a hearing child of deaf parents, as he discusses the role music (specifically choir) played in his life. The eighth grade choir will participate by attending a rehearsal at AHS on Tuesday, Oct. 15. The combined performance will be at the Alliance High School auditorium on Wednesday, Oct. 16. Featured soloists will perform in the lobby from 6-7:15 p.m., choir performances will begin at 7:15 p.m. in the auditorium and the show will begin at 7:30 p.m. All eighth grade students need to get their permission slips and money turned in by Wednesday, Sept. 18 in order to participate. This will be a performance you won't want to miss. Tickets for the public will be available for $5.
\r\nNo School for Students
\r\nMonday, Oct. 14 is a Teacher Work Day - No school for students.
\r\nReminder for Parents
\r\nSeventh Grade TDAP immunizations or proof of scheduled doctor appointments are due now. Contact the main Office at 330-829-2254 if you have any questions.
\r\nThe sixth grade students had a great time at camp.
\r\nAlliance High School
\r\nThe Skills USA program at AHS is putting on a Color Splash Fund Run. Register by Sept. 20 to receive a shirt and color packet the day of the run. The Fund Run is Sunday, Oct. 6. Sign in starts at 1 p.m. with the run starting at 3 p.m. Register for the Color Splash Fund Run here:
Alliance Alternative Academies
The Alliance Alternative Academies are hosting a Community-Wide Yard Sale on Saturday, Sept. 28. Find out more information here:
\r\nAlliance City Schools
\r\nThe Family Support Specialists are hosting a Free Laundry Event on Sept. 25 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Norge Village, 195 E. State St., for ACS families. Each family will be able to do five loads of laundry for free. There are a limited number of appointments available. Call 330-829-2254 to make an appointment.