Aviator Weekly - Sept. 9

Alliance Early Learning School


Tracy Bowser's kindergartners went for a walk in the community. The students stopped at different locations and looked for shapes, colors, numbers, letters and other objects. They also practiced crossing the street safely and cooperating with a partner. When they arrived back at school they charted and discussed the items they saw.


Alliance Elementary Schools




Students at Rockhill and Parkway who met their August PBIS goal enjoyed eating lunch outside with their teachers. Over 95% of the students met the goal. Keep up the great behavior kiddos. 


Bouncy Balls


Our multi age classrooms made bouncy balls using water, borax clear glue and glitter glue. Students loved working together, mixing and finally holding their finished product.


Students in Tricia Thompson and Jason Dotson’s classes at Parkway joined together this past week for a lesson in Getting Along Together. The kids discussed various interactions and how they feel when in conflict with their peers. They learned how to use an "I" message to resolve social issues. Each student added a leaf to the Feelings Tree to describe a specific feeling.


Upcoming important dates-


The AES Fall Festival will be held at Silver Park on Saturday, Sept. 14 from 11 a.m. - 1p.m. Students and families will enjoy food, games, raffle baskets, face painting and more.  


Fathers Walk Your Child to School Day is Thursday, Sept. 19. We look forward to seeing you.

Alliance Intermediate School


The students at AIS had the opportunity to pay $1 to eat outside on Friday. The students lined up with their dollar in hand to be able to spend their lunch period with their friends outside. The money raised will be used to fund the monthly incentives for students with good behavior.


Alliance Middle School


7th Grade Team


This week students will be receiving permission slips for “A Christmas Carol.” The trip is not until December, but we have to know numbers for tickets now. This field trip helps meet our seventh grade reading standards. 


Our field trip to the Pro Football Hall of Fame is coming quickly, Sept. 24. Make sure to turn in those permission slips ASAP.  


All-School Fundraiser


AMS students will be selling miscellaneous brochure items to support middle school programs. 


Hopefully you will be able to support our students in this endeavor.


Fall Pictures


AMS fall pictures are scheduled for Monday, Sept. 16. Come prepared with your best


Smile. All students, whether purchasing pictures or not, will have their pictures taken.




The first nine-weeks interim will be sent home with students on Friday, Sept. 27.


No School for Students


Monday, Oct. 14 is a Teacher Work Day - No school for students.


Reminders for Parents


7th Grade TDAP immunizations are due now or proof of scheduled doctor appointment. Contact the main office at 330-829-2254 if you have any questions.


Alliance Alternative Academies


The Alliance Alternative Academies will be hosting their yearly Community Wide Yard Sale on Saturday, Sept. 28. More information can be found here: http://www.alliancecityschools.org/o/digital-academy/page/ada-yard-sale-information


District News


The first Free Laundry Event of the year will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 25 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Norge Village, 195 E. State St. Space is limited and appointments are required to take part in this event. Call 330-829-2254 to make an appointment.


Alliance Career Center


Alliance Career Center is now enrolling for fall classes. Call 330-829-2267 for more information.

Here are the programs offered by ACC throughout the year!