Alliance Early Learning School
\r\nOur school year at the Alliance Early Learning School began with fun and friendship. An obvious favorite was the very first recess. Students enjoyed running and playing with new friends and classmates. We are looking forward to a phenomenal year.
\r\nAlliance Elementary Schools - Parkway/Rockhill
\r\nParkway & Rockhill Elementary Schools are off to a great start. Our students are filling the halls with smiles and are ready to learn. The school Principals and counselors held grade level assemblies discussing expectations, The Golden Rule and making above the line responses. We have many fun learning activities planned for our little Aviators.
\r\nThird grade students were excited to begin the new school year. They took photos during reading class on the first day of school.
\r\nThe third grade students picked something that they would like to accomplish during the school year. They helped make a classroom bulletin board called “This is Your Year To.” The students will refer to this often to see how they are progressing with their goal.
\r\nThird Graders are experts at our E (Event) + R (Response) = O (Outcome) initiative. They were able to come up with their own scenarios and made a cartoon strip to show above and below the line responses.
\r\nTeam Building Activities
\r\nAs we begin another school year the third graders are learning about being good citizens and working together as a team. In one block they did the team building activity, "Saving Fred." Students had to put Fred, a gummy worm, into his life preserver (a gummy lifesaver) using only four paper clips. It was great to listen and watch students work in their individual teams to problem solve and save Fred. It was even better watching them help and encourage other teams to meet the goal. We are looking forward to a great year with this hard working group of great citizens.
\r\nThird graders also participated in another team building activity. One group activity was to build the tallest spaghetti tower with the marshmallow on top, and another activity was experimenting with water on different surfaces. The students enjoyed working in groups and listening to each other’s ideas.
\r\nFirst Grade is Fabulous
\r\nTeachers read the story “The Kissing Hand” to their students. Next they went on a quest to find out where Chester was hiding while learning the layout of the school. The students finally caught up with Chester to find that he left cookies for them. The students ended the morning making a fun Chester Craft.
\r\nSecond Grade Superstars
\r\nSecond Graders got to know each other by sharing their "Brown Bag Biography." Students brought in five items that fit in their brown bag that represented what was special to them. Students brought in a variety of objects that included family photos, medals and items representing their hobbies and interests. It was a fun and engaging way to get to know each other.
\r\nFinal Forms
\r\nThank you AES families for taking the time to fill out the final forms online. If you have not yet filled them out please do so ASAP. If you need assistance please call our school offices at Parkway, 330-829-2264, or at Rockhill, 330-829-2260.
\r\nUpcoming events at AES
\r\nSept. 14 - AES Fall Festival 11 a.m. -1 p.m. at Silver Park
\r\nSept. 18 - Parkway Picture Day
\r\nSept. 19 - Walk Your child To School Day
\r\nAlliance Intermediate School
\r\nAlliance Intermediate School Welcomed their students back to school with chalk drawings and a ton of bubbles. The students had fun popping the bubbles before the first day of school.
\r\nThe August incentive at Alliance Intermediate School was a huge success. 100% of the students earned the monthly incentive of extra recess. Congratulations to all AIS students.
\r\nAlliance Middle School
\r\n6th Grade Team
\r\nThis week our sixth graders will be attending an Outdoor Education Camp for two days. The kids will participate in a variety of activities and classes. Outdoor Education Camp will provide memories for sixth graders in learning, laughing and living together. It is an experience that the students will enjoy and remember for years to come.
\r\n7th Grade Team
\r\nOur second week of school was very busy and interesting. All of the teachers have jumped into teaching the curriculum. Please ask your child about what he or she learned this week. Permission slips to the Pro Football Hall of Fame were passed out on Monday. These need to be signed and returned, along with $5, by Sept. 23.
\r\nAll-School Fundraiser
\r\nThe AMS school fundraiser begins Sept. 3 and goes until Sept. 17. AMS students will be selling miscellaneous brochure items to support middle school programs.
\r\nFall Pictures
\r\nAMS fall pictures are scheduled for Monday, Sept. 16. Come prepared with you best
\r\nSmile. All students, whether purchasing pictures or not, will have their pictures taken.
\r\n7th Grade Trip to Niagara Falls
\r\nAn informational parent meeting has been scheduled for Sept. 23 at 6 p.m. in the school cafeteria.
\r\nThe first nine-weeks interim will be sent home with students on Friday, Sept. 27.
\r\nReminder for Parents
\r\nSeventh grade TDAP immunizations are due now or proof of scheduled doctor appointment. Contact the main office at 330-829-2254 if you have any questions.
\r\nAlliance High School
\r\nAHS is off to a great start with the new school year. The AHS Band and Jetsetters had the opportunity to perform at Convocation on Friday to showcase their skills to the entire ACS Staff.