Alliance City Schools recently approved changes to the administrative positions at a number of buildings.
A new assistant principal position has been approved for Alliance High School. Tina Arbitter, former principal of Success Academy, will be taking on the newly created position at AHS.
Derrick Showell will be the new lead teacher at Success Academy following the BOE’s approval at the June meeting.
At Alliance Middle School, the dean of students position and the coordinating position for the International Baccalaureate program have evolved to become grade level principal positions. Andrew Toth, the current IB coordinator, will be taking over one of the grade level principal positions. The second grade level principal position will be filled by Matthew Bobola following the approval at the June BOE meeting.
Gregory Gemberling, the long-time educator and dean of students at AMS, will be taking over the position as director of adult education at the Alliance Career Center following the retirement of Debra McKee.
The administrative structure of the elementary schools will be changing for the 2019-2020 academic year to ensure equal opportunity for all students in the district. Michelle Balderson will step into the newly created position of primary elementary principal. She will oversee both Rockhill and Parkway. Current principal, Cory Muller, will remain as the building principal at Parkway.
“With this move, we hope to ensure equal programming and opportunities for all students in first through third grade while providing additional support for teachers, support staff, students and parents,” said Superintendent Jeffery Talbert.
Wendy Hubbard will be the building principal at Rockhill following the approval of the BOE at the June meeting.
“While all the discussed positions are new, they do not add to the overall staffing number,” Talbert said. “We have repurposed the positions to add support in the necessary areas.”
The goal of the Alliance City School District is to prepare the students for life, college and careers and the addition of these positions will allow the teachers and the administrators to prepare the students to the best of their abilities at each of the school buildings.