Stop by Alliance High School on Tuesday to see the Alliance Intermediate School and Alliance Middle School Choirs perform! 🎤 While there, don't forget to visit the the Art Show in the gym to see the amazing artwork from our awesome Aviators! 🎨 #RepthatA
8 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
📢The ACS Fine Arts Showcase kicks off on Monday! 📢 The District Art Show 🧑‍🎨 will be available for viewing in the AHS Gym Monday, April 29 - Friday, May 3 from 2:30-8 pm. The Art Show Reception and Awards will take place on Monday at 6 pm. We hope to see you at all the fun events! #RepthatA
8 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Art show case info
Congratulations to the Alliance Middle School students inducted in to National Junior Honor Society! These students have shown themselves to be leaders, caring citizens and high performers over the past couple of years. By joining the ranks of NJHS, they have committed themselves to uphold the 5 pillars - Scholarship, Service, Leadership, Character and Citizenship. #RepthatA
9 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
group photo
student shaking hand with principal
Student shaking hands with principal
student shaking hands with principal
Stop by the Alliance High School Jazz Festival tomorrow! It's free and open to the community. #RepthatA
9 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
jazz festival flyer. Performances start at 7 pm in the AHS auditorium
📣 REGISTER NOW 📣 New Student Registration for the 2024-25 school year is now open. Click here to start the registration process: All forms must be fully completed and documents turned in before the student can be registered. #RepthatA
9 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
new student registration graphic
The next #LikeAGirl event is coming up on April 25 at 6 pm! Register for the event here: #RepthatA
9 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
#LikeAGirl April Flyer
For the 4th time, Alliance City Schools has been named a Best Community for Music Education by the NAMM Foundation! 🎼 This achievement is all thanks to our amazing and dedicated music staff. We certainly have the best around! #RepthatA
9 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Best schools for music education graphic
Help us celebrate the Solar Eclipse by submitting pictures of your Solar Eclipse Day activities! Pictures will be posted to the Alliance City Schools social media accounts. Submit pictures here:
9 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Submit pictures of
Aviators, Don't forget there is no school on Monday! All athletic events and school activities have been cancelled for the day. #RepthatA
9 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
no school - solar eclipse
All athletic games and matches have been cancelled for today. Coaches will announce individually to teams if there will be practice afterschool. Please keep an eye out for that communication. #RepthatA
9 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Athletic cancellation
Reminder: Solar Eclipse Glasses will be passed out to all ACS staff and students this week! 😎 #RepthatA
9 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
solar eclipse graphic
📣 Cheerleading tryouts for Alliance High School and Alliance Middle School will take place this week! 📣 See below for additional information. #RepthatA
9 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Open Gyms April 1-2 from 6-8 pm, clinics April 3-5 from 6-8 pm. Tryouts for AMS will be April 6  at 10 am. Tryouts for AHS will be April 6 at 12 pm. All will take place in AHS gym.
open gym/clinic and tryout attire
We're excited to have our Aviators back from Spring Break! It's hard to believe there's only 8 weeks left of the school year! #RepthatA
9 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
welcome back post
Join us for the Softball 🥎 Skills Camp on Sunday, April 14! The cost is $15 per child. Payment ia due the day of the camp. #RepthatA
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
softball skills camp flyer
Spring Break is just a couple days away! We hope our Aviators enjoy their time off! #RepthatA
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
spring break - March 25-29
🩷 #LikeAGirl It's A Compliment 🩷 The gallery walk was a huge success! Thank you to all the students, staff, families and community members who came out to hear about the #LikeAGirl project and a see the amazing pictures of our Aviators! #RepthatA
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Chloe Pasco speaking about the #likeagirl project
picture of some of the photos
Student pointing to her picture
Students on stage with Mrs. McKnight
There will be no school for students on Tuesday, March 19! #RepthatA
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
No School - Tuesday, March 19
Jaymes Smith, a 7th grader at Alliance Middle School, is heading to the State Science Fair in May! Jaymes recently competed at the District 13 Science Fair where he earned a superior rating for his project "Dimples, Spin and Distance; Oh My!" 🏌️‍♂️ His project was a study on golf ball pricing and its effects on performance. Way to go, Jaymes! #RepthatA
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
jaymes smith at the district science fair
Stop by Alliance High School on Thursday to see the #LikeAGirl gallery! You won't want to miss it! #RepthatA
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
#LikeAGirl Gallery Walk flyer
Reminder: Friday, March 15 is an early dismissal for all buildings. Schools will let out two hours early. Alliance Preschool will not have school. Instead families are encouraged to take part in the planned Family Engagement day. #RepthatA
10 months ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Early Dismissal - Friday, March 15