Peer Tutoring Comes to Media Center
Alliance High students have been peer tutoring in the high school media center for the past few weeks. The students who have been doing the tutoring are able to gain community service hours for National Honor Society through this program, which is designed to benefit all involved.
This program was created by Principal Shawn Jackson and is headed by Mrs. Marilyn Jackson, our library resource center technician.
This program started when Mr. Jackson took five students from the Principal's Advisory Committee to Jackson High School to learn about their peer tutoring program.
“We’re looking at ways to support our students,” Mr. Jackson said. “We have seen kids who were struggling really making some changes.”
He said the current program is a trial run for the 4th quarter, when the full program will be up and running.
Many students are already taking advantage of this program, located in what was the library computer lab. The lab was converted to a flexible learning space with tables, chairs and a large white board.
“This program is really helping the kids who want help,” said Andy Mcmillan, a senior who is tutoring. “I feel tutoring is really a great opportunity to help the people around you and get to know people you wouldn’t otherwise know.”
One student being tutored said, “I feel tutoring helps me because sometimes I can learn better from my peers than I can in a classroom.”
More furniture is on order for the peer tutoring room to make this the best place for students to get any help they may need. The program not only helps the students being tutored, but those doing the tutoring as well.