The Alliance High Drama Club performed another original play by Middle School teacher Dave Hammers. This year, they presented “The Tragedy of Julia Caesar,” written and directed by Hammers, is a parody of the classic “Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare.
Juniors Trent Farmer and Autumn Staymate play directors of a modern high school drama club set in Rome, Georgia. Given the task of choosing a play to perform, they decide upon “Julius Caesar.” But junior McKenzie Schoolcraft’s character decides she wants to be the lead and makes changes to the story, thus creating the character Julia Caesar.
Those who know the Shakespeare classic can find humor in the similarities between the two plays and how Schoolcraft’s character, along with the directors, adapt the story and include dance numbers.
Trent Farmer, a junior, said what he enjoyed most about being a member of Drama Club is being able to meet new people.
“It’s a great way to expand your social circle,” he said.
Senior Stefan Thalacker has been a member of Drama Club for all four years of high school. This year, he played the role of Antony and thought the performance went well.
“I think it was good for my last performance,” he said.
Anna Zumbar, also a senior, attended the play to support her friends.
“I really enjoyed seeing all of the hard work and talent,” she said. “I look forward to watching the play every year.”
The AHS Drama Club always puts on a unique and entertaining performance that is highly anticipated every year. Many students and Drama Club participants cannot wait to see what next year holds for the group.