A dance party in the halls and popsicles was the reward for students who met the behavior goal for Sept.!
3rd graders begin typing lessons so that they can be effective communicators!
Sign Up Now! Giant Eagle "Apples for the Students" earns $$ for our school! See attached flyer.
We look forward to seeing our 2nd and 3rd grade families this evening at Open House! We will meet in the gym at 5:00pm, and then have time to visit classes until 6:30pm. See you then!
Mrs. Bender & Bartel's 1st grade class made listening ears to practice "active listening"!
The safety of our students is our number one priority.
As you may know, there was a bus incident with bus 15 serving Rockhill Elementary School students yesterday afternoon. Any situation regarding student safety is taken very seriously. As it appears right now, the bus made a sudden stop. We are currently reviewing the bus’ GPS data and internal video footage to better understand the incident. The bus driver is currently on paid leave while the investigation is being conducted. If we find that there was any improper conduct by the driver, the district will discipline in accordance with our employee code of conduct. All children are presently back in the classroom or at home.
We will continue to provide updates as necessary.
Again, the safety of our students is our number one priority.
Rockhill phones are in full working order. The issue has been resolved.
All are invited to the Elementary PTO meeting in Parkway's Library at 7:00pm tonight. We hope you join us.
Due to the inclement weather, Alliance City Schools will be closed Today, Wednesday March 15th, 2017. Alliance Career Center Adult Education day and evening classes are in session.
Due to an issue in the Rockhill neighborhood, Rockhill Elementary School is currently experiencing an electrical and phone outage. All students are safe and there is no interruption to the educational process. We do not expect the issue to be resolved until after dismissal today. If you have a question or concern please call the district offices at 330-829-2275.
The ACS Elementary PTO Meeting is Thursday 1/19 @ 7pm in the Rockhill Library! We hope to see you there!
Due to current and predicted inclement weather, Alliance City Schools will be closed Today, Tuesday January 10th 2017. Alliance Career Center Adult Education day and evening classes are in session.
There will be No ACS Elementary PTO meeting tonight due to school closing.
Secret Santa shops at RH and PW will be extended until next Tuesday.
Northside would like to salute all Veterans and those that serve. Happy Veteran's Day! #ACSpresents
Thank you Alliance City Fire Department for visiting Rockhill!
The ACS Elementary PTO meeting will be held Thursday, October 13th at 7pm, in the Parkway library. Hope to see you there!
Thank you to our Men Making A Difference Readers! Today kicked off their monthly reading visits. We appreciate these men sharing their love of reading with our Rockhill students!
Mrs. McDaniel's 3rd grade science students have fun studying the states of matter!
Rochill's 2nd grade students studying insect diversity during a science lesson.
Hello Rockhill & Parkway Families
Unfortunately, due to very poor weather conditions expected this Saturday, we are going to have to reschedule the carnival for a later date.
As soon as we arrange a new day and time with Silver Park, we will notify all students and families. We truly look forward to this fun event!