Morgan Engineering once again hosted their safety calendar drawing contest and selected 12 of our wonderful Aviators' artwork to be featured in the calendar! Each student received their framed drawing and a gift card to Dairy Queen.
Along with the gifts for the students, Morgan Engineering generously donated $1000 to each school that participated in the contest! We are so very grateful to Morgan Engineering and their partnership with and support of ACS!
Congratulations to the following young artists!
Alliance Early Learning School - Hannah Blake, Lilianna Davis, Cali Blue, Lily Mastroianni
Alliance Elementary School - Nova Banks, Serenity Rios, Aurelia Schneller, Kat Hawkins
Alliance Intermediate School - Grace-Lynn Edwards, Jonathan Chunat, Adalynn Staggers, ShaRiyah Fortner
ACS is hosting a Laundry day on Dec. 4! 👚👖 Click the link to sign up!
📢 Reminder: No School Tuesday, Nov. 5! #RepthatA
What’s Halloween without a trick or two? 👻 The office staff at Alliance Elementary School surprised Prinicpal Lesli Waller and Assistant Principal Taylor Logothetides with fun shirts featuring pictures of them! How fun 😄 #RepthatA
Our friends at Alliance Elementary School had a ton of fall fun when they visited Arrowhead Orchard last week! 🍁🍎 #RepthatA
📅 Mark your calendar for the Alliance Elementary School Raising Cane's fundraiser Thursday, Oct. 31 from 4-10 pm! #RepthatA
Today's the day! It's Futures Fest!
Check out the schedule of events and don't forget to stop by the food trucks while you're here. #RepthatA
❄ Be prepared for the winter weather coming soon! ❄
Check out the link below to find out when a calamity day is called, how you will be notified and more.
The students in Kaley Sloane’s class at Alliance Elementary School participated in Fat Bear Week! This annual celebration at Katmai National Park in Alaska allows people to vote for their favorite bear based on its size and preparation for hibernation.
Throughout the week, the students engaged in daily voting, learning about the Alaskan Brown Bears and their unique stories. They made bear themed crafts, created snacks, read stories about bears and even did a gummy bear science experiment.
They wrapped up Fat Bear Week with one final vote, a picture, and an “I voted” bear sticker! It was a week full of fun and learning! #RepthatA
Futures Fest is just 3 days away! All Aviators in kindergarten through 12th grade are encouraged to attend this fun career-oriented event!
It features:
✈ a college and career fair
✈ early childhood career booths
✈ food trucks
✈ a career fashion show
✈ and more!
We hope to see everyone at AHS on Thursday for Futures Fest! #RepthatA
The Youth Boys Basketball League is hosting tryouts for students in grades 2-6 the next two Sundays! See below for additional information. #RepthatA
Monday is a Teacher Day - There will be no school for students! #RepthatA
The 3rd graders at Alliance Elementary School learned all about Alliance's history by visiting three historical sites! They had the chance to tour the Glamorgan Castle, Haines House and the Mabel Hartzell Museum.
Alliance has a rich history and we're proud to offer the students the opportunity to learn all about the city they call home! ❤✈ #RepthatA
Reminder: Friday is an Early Dismissal day! Schools will release 2 hours earlier than usual. Preschool will not have school. #RepthatA
The 2nd Annual ACS Futures Fest is a couple weeks away! This fun career-oriented event has activities for students of all ages. We hope to see all our Aviators on Thursday, Oct. 24 for Futures Fest! ✈ #RepthatA
The weather may not have cooperated for the PTO Fall Festival to be outside, but all the students and families who attended had a great time! Their smiles say it all! 😄
A big thank you to the Alliance Elementary PTO for organizing this amazing event every year for our young Aviators! #RepthatA
The next #LikeAGirl event is this Thursday at 6 pm! We hope to see our young Aviators there!
Click here to register for the event:
Orders are being accepted for #LikeAGirl shirts. Money is due on Oct. 3. #RepthatA
Mark Your Calendar: Alliance is competing against Carrollton for this year's Goodwill Drive to Victory donation drive! Donations will be collected Monday, September 30 - Friday, Oct. 4. A Goodwill trailer will be in the back parking lot of the high school from 7 am - 3 pm Monday-Thursday and from 7 am - noon on Friday. All donations must be dropped off at the Goodwill trailer.
The district with the most donations wins a $250 scholarship! They beat us last year, so let's get the win this year! Go Aviators! ✈ #RepthatA
Picture day for Alliance Elementary School is Tuesday! #RepthatA
Alliance Elementary School and Alliance Preschool are having fundraisers at Texas Roadhouse next week!
Wednesday, Sept. 25 - AES
Thursday, Sept. 26 - PreK